Monday, 25 February 2013

How to Add Feedback Link in OBIEE 11g Dashboard

Hi All...

              one new requirement ......
              How to add feedback link in any Dashboard.
              Steps to do this

1.Drag & Drop Text object in to the dashboard to which you want to add feedback link
2.write this script & enable contains HTML check bok

<font family = Arial><font size=2><a href="" subject=Feed back>Feedback</a></font>

3.Save the dashboard...

C U Next time..

Thursday, 21 February 2013

BI Plugin in OBIEE 11g

 I tried this in wknds...
Its really use full for real time presentations.

down load the software first.......
Login to Presentation Services or Enterprise manager
Get Started > Download BI Desktop Tools > Oracle BI for MS Office.
Run the executable that you have downloaded and follow the wizard to complete the installation.
  1. Open Microsoft Power point or Microsoft Excel (The connection information is shared, therefore you can enter it through either application and it is available to both.), click OK.

2. Preferences window opens. On the Connections tab, select New.

3. In the New Connection window, fill the following fields

  • Server Name: Give any  name (e.g. 123obi BI Office)
  • BI Office Server: Enter the URL for the BI Office Server (e.g. You can enter “localhost” if the BI Office Server is installed on your local machine.
  • Application Name: bioffice (deault)
  • Port: 7001 (default is 80)
4. Click on Test connection. It should show the following screen, if not check the connection details and correct them.

Note: This does not test the connection between the BI Office Server and Presentation Services.
5. Notice that the Oracle BI Menu has been shown.

6. Click Login to login to Presentation Services using the appropriate username and password.
You will get the “Login failed. Please check the username, password and Oracle BI Office server availability.” It is because in the bioffice.xml (C:\OBI11g\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user\bioffice_11.1.1\hsq62b\war\WEB-INF\) SawBaseURL is pointing to 9704 port. Change it to 7001 and then save the file. Restart the services from EM (http://yourservername:7001/em) and try login again, it should work.
7. Once you are logged in, you will see the BI Catalog on the right pane of Microsoft Power point.


C U Next Time

Friday, 8 February 2013

Unable to get file lock , will retry in OBIEE 11g

I ran in to  this issue while restarting the weblogic server.

The error message is shown as :

<Jul 20, 2012 8:00:03 PM IST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141281> <unable to get file lock, will retry …>

Solution :

stop obiee services
remove the .lok file in fallowing location
Navigate to path <Middleware Home>\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp.

Delete the file named  “AdminServer.lok”

 Now you will be able to restart the weblogic server.

C U Next Time..